Thursday, November 20, 2014

How to Calculate On-Balance Volume in Excel

How to Calculate On-Balance Volume in Excel

On balance Volume has been a reliable indicator for traders for a long time.
It was developed in 1960 by Joseph Granville.
The indicator has stood the test of time and still used pretty reliably.
The underlying theory of the indicator is simple.
Volume precedes the price. The creator of the indicator believed that any price movement in the stock are first reflected in the volume movement.
The method for OBV is as follows:
    If close price of day n > close price of day n-1, then OBV of day n = OBV of day n-1 + trading volume
    If close price of day n <  close price of day n-1, then OBV of day n = OBV of day n-1 – trading volume
    If close price of day n = close price of day n-1, then OBV of day n = OBV of day n-1

Calculating OBV is simple – you just need historical close prices and trading volume, Excel and a touch of motivation.
Assuming your historical prices are in column E, trading volume in column F (both in data ascending order), and you want OBV in column H, then
    the OBV of day 1 is the trading volume of day 1
    the OBV of day 2 is given by the formula =IF(E3 = E2, H2, IF(E3 > E2, H2 + F3, H2 – F3 ))
    the OBV of day 3 is given by the formula =IF(E4 =E3, H3, IF(E4 > E3, H3 + F4, H3 – F4 ))
    and so on

A summary is as given below for stock ticker MSFT